What is Self-Love?

I like to think of self-love as travelling on a train…and all the elements of self that fall under it (awareness, acceptance, respect, development, confidence, contentment and care) are the individual stations that you will stop at and travel through.

Spend time on that train…letting go of the past, looking forward to the future and enjoying every moment in between.

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Confidence can be Learned!

We are not born with confidence, but we can learn it. With courage, we can put ourselves in situations that, when done repeatedly, will bring on confidence…like public speaking. I am living proof of that. Apparently, there’s a stat out there that suggests that most people would rather die than step in front of crowd to talk! How crazy is that?! It’s just a skill to learn like anything else.

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My Book has a Cover!!

I showed my hubby and he immediately said WOW! Just the reaction I had hoped for from my audience. He loved it!

He said, “Imagine this book was written by someone else and you came across it in a store…would you pick it up?”

Absolutely I would!

“Would you put the book back because there’s not enough pink on it?”

I laughed. It sounded silly coming from someone else. Of course I wouldn’t put it back…I LOVE IT!

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